HARVEST FULL MOON illuminated by Pisces at 21 degrees

‘Dolce far niente’, is an Italian phrase that translates into English quite beautifully, as ‘the sweetness of doing nothing..’ Far from meaning that you’re being lazy, it embraces the art or ability to completely enjoy & savour the moment and is referring to the pleasure of being idle.. This phrase resonates with me in a superb way.. Not that as a mother & small business owner I languish in the pleasure of being idle very often, but I do find just hearing the phrase, connects me to an aspect of myself that I’m truely at home with.

I grew up far away from hustle, and very rarely did my family visit cities or busy towns, I was fortunate that as of age 9, I lived in a small coastal town called Noosaville, which back then, unlike now, was a sleepy fishing and boat village. It was off the main drag of Noosa and the cool kids thought you were a subordinate if you lived there.. Lol..! I was quite the loner as a young adolescent. I found the relationship I had at home with my mother so challenging, that more often than not, of an evening or afternoon, I would find myself sitting on the end of a jetty, just gazing, out, into, up, down, over and around the Noosa river that was directly opposite our home.

I could spend hours just sitting there, feet dangling, watching the colours change, listening to the sound of the water lapping the shore, wandering along the foreshore, swimming in the blue of both the water and the sky. My experiences of the moon on the river were epic and no doubt cemented my connection to the power of the full moon. I can recall vividly my surprise as a 10 year old the first time I watched the river swell past her banks and observed with great fascination, the clear shallow water teaming with fish.. At first I didn’t understand why this was happening, eventually I made the connection. The river would expand to what seemed and felt almost beyond her capacity, but was then renewed and replenished by the fullness.

Over the course of this weekend’s full moon we have this same opportunity to fill ourselves to the brim, with our souls deepest longings, bringing forth renewal and replenishment; sitting also with parts of ourselves that may be sabotaging or holding us back and releasing them, into the light. Pisces energy is very much about healing so we may find ourselves – according to Sarah Vrba – releasing relationships, jobs, habits and beliefs that no longer support us and making goals to move into new roles and relationships within which we don’t just survive, but actually thrive!

She also mentioned there are also however some hefty oppositions, so don’t be surprised if you feel Mars in Virgo trying to push you into actioning a very detailed to do list! And as tempting as it may be to get the ball rolling, Her advice for us to hold back, for now diving deep into the soulful dimensions of your existence, to the biggest, broadest vision we can have of ourselves, beyond times constraints. And if you don’t have a river or an ocean to dream on, in my experience bath tubs and toilet dreaming are also powerful connectors to the water ways & rivers that all eventually open into the ocean of the soul.

For me personally, this moon has already connected me via my river, to very pure depths of my soul, and that from her waters flows my passion for and knowledge of the healing power of nature, as fierce and strong as the love from which a mother protects her child. She is the undoubtable reason that there is a Rasasara Skinfood product, and today as strong as ever, still fuels my desire to preserve and protect the air, water and earth elements that sustain our existence on this planet and within each of us.

Words by Sonia Lloyd.